Monday MELF: Conference Championship-Style

We’re going retro on FifG today–all the way back to September ’08 when I started this blog–to bring back the Monday MELF.

Here’s the deal (as previously posted):

As a preteen, my friends and I used to play the FLAME game.
The rules were mildly convoluted, but the point of the game was to figure out if you and the boy you liked were destined to be:
Alimony (aka Divorced)

Now, granted, 12-year-olds should maybe not be interested in finding a lover. And, yes, the game creator clearly couldn’t think of anything better for the letter A. However, I thought this might be a fun game to apply to the league’s QBs…  I’ve decided to drop Alimony. I think E for enemies covers that one anyway. Also, since I thought of this on a Monday, I’m moving the M and renaming the game Monday MELF. Could I just post this Friday and keep its rightful name? Yes! But I’m not going to.

So there you have it. Now let’s try it with the four remaining playoff QBs (clockwise from left): Peyton Manning (Indianapols Colts), Mark Sanchez (NY Jets), Drew Brees (New Orleans Saints), and Brett Favre (Minnesota Vikings).

Married: Peyton Manning. When you’re thinking long term, you have to go with the funny guys. And Peyton Manning cracks me up. Plus, he’s one of the best QBs of all time, and with his commercials airing every 5 minutes, you know he has a viable career after football.

Enemies: Brett Favre. He strikes me as being a little narcissistic. Which is great, and maybe even necessary, in a competitor. But not for social time.

Lovers: Mark Sanchez. Duh.

Friends: Drew Brees. He seems like a friendly, easy-going guy, and he’s done a lot for the city of New Orleans. And who doesn’t like a charitable friend? Also, maybe he can introduce me to Alfonso Ribeiro.

How would you guys rank them?

4 thoughts on “Monday MELF: Conference Championship-Style

  1. Married: Brett Favre. He doesn’t just get older, he gets better.

    Enemies: Peyton Manning played for Tennessee. I’m a Bama fan. (I don’t hate him … just had to pick someone.)

    Lovers: I’ll fight you for Mark Sanchez. Just call me Ms. Cougar. Rawr!

    Friends: Drew Brees seems like a nice fella who would probably let my kid baby-sit his in a few years.

  2. Alright – I’m gonna be unoriginal and go with your original rankings. BUT I’ll explain why.

    Married: I agree that Peyton seems like the best long-term match. He’s funny, has a solid relationship with his family, and has never come off seeming too arrogant or cocky to me. PLUS, he’s a good ol Southern boy. Sounds like a keeper to me.

    Enemies: Brett Favre. I agree…something about him does seem a little cocky. Judging from the past few years’ events, he seems like the kind of guy who ALWAYS wants to get his way. Not. My. Type. Lol.

    Lovers: Again, Mark Sanchez. DUH. Everyone knows how much I love him, so they may wonder why I didn’t pick him for married. However, I think Mark is SO good looking, he’s also a likely suspect for vanity, arrogance, and lots of other women prowling around. Lol.

    Friends: Drew Brees. Great QB, great guy. Doesn’t seem like the type to be a stud in bed. Just my opinion. Haha.

  3. Tiffani: I knew we would have our Favres and Mannings reversed. 🙂

    And Meg: Very nice choices, but so sad for Drew Brees. Haha. Though I don’t really disagree.

  4. Pingback: Who Would You Rather:Super Bowl Version « Football is for Girls

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